Methuen Rotary was pleased to present a check for $2500.00 to Methuen Senior Center's Adopt A Grandparent Program. This money represents the funds earned from Our Annual Bocce Tournament. Now in its 17"year, this inter-generational program's goal is to foster friendships between retirees and Methuen High School students. Operating from September through June and meets weekly on Wednesday afternoon. Some activities include 45's, shuffleboard, pool, dancing, and cribbage. Methuen High teacher Jeff Bellestri coordinates the partnership and was awarded the Rotary's Service Above Self Award last year. If you are interested in learning more about this program and the activities, please contact the Methuen Senior Center at 978-983-8825. Pictured Left to right: Karina Garcia, Rachel Voiland, Tim Frechette, Frank Brucato, Julie Brady , Talia Harvey, Tom Bolduc, Priyank Patel, Corrinne LaCharite, Armani Alonzo, Jeff Bellistri and Sue Foster
Check Presentation for Adopt A Grandparent Program

Eugene Voiland American Flag Program
The Brucato Family

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